


The MediReha system enables the utilizing of basic scheduling and reservation functions, just like the MediOrganizer system. It contains special functionalities for automatic and semi-automatic searching of available dates, which facilitates faster composition of a rehabilitation plan. MediReha utilizes an adjustable set of rules for the searching of available dates when composing rehabilitation plans, based on procedure request assignments (an analogue of the FT requisition).
It is possible to, during plan composition, alter conditions for date search, and it is also possible for staff to manually optimize and adjust suggested dates according to the wishes of the patient.
MediReha enables to generate requisitions for ambulance transport for patients, and a registry of other data related to the patient and his/her procedure plan.
In MediReha, we stress most of all the effective planning of medical-staff- and instrument-capacity employment, the consequence of which is an increase in productivity, and therefore also in income, of rehabilitation centres.


  • Reducing of procedure-plan-composition time down to mere minutes; saves the time of patients and rehabilitation doctors
  • It increases productivity by increasing the effectivity of employment of departments, instruments, and therapists
  • Electronic communication with the patient saves time for staff and reduces the amount of unrealized reservations
  • On-line tracking of reservation status and their realization improves the monitoring of capacity utilization
  • Generation of requisitions for ambulance transport for patients and evidencing of requisitions will decrease the administrative workload of staff


  • Support of internationally acclaimed medical standards HL7 and IHE profiles
  • Support of SOA and web services
  • Support of directory services (LDAP); the possibility of integration with Active Directory
  • Support of commonly used web browsers (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, IE, Safari)
  • High level of accessibility, the use of TLS/SSL on the transport layer and of the RBAC model for controlling access on the user layes


Supported operating systems

  • Linux
  • Widows

Application and database technology

  • Java
  • Javascript
  • PostgreSQL


Software operation support and related services are regularly offered in the following availability modes:

  • 24 x 7 – continuous availability of SW/service, i.e. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • 16/12/9 x 7 – availability of 16/12/9 hours a day, 7 days a week. The availability time is defined in the support contract
  • 24 x 5 – continuous support of SW/service, i.e. 24 hours a day, 5 days a week, i.e. during the working week. SW/service availability is not guaranteed during weekends and bank holidays
  • 16/12/9 x 5 – availability of 16/12/9 hours a day, 5 days a week, i.e. during the working week. SW/service availability is not guaranteed during weekends and bank holidays. The availability time is defined in the support contract

It is possible to arrange an adjustment or extension of functionality according to the client’s wishes.


It is necessary to specify the required solution range to have a guaranteed price. Please contact us in case you are interested in tentative pricing.

Successful implementation


The best way to find out more about our products is to contact our team directly; they will be able to propose a solution tailored to fit your facility, keeping security and privacy in mind.